Burnout Incidence during Online Lectures in Medical Students in Udayana University during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study with 175 medical students in Udayana Univerity class of 2018 and 2019 was conducted in this study. The data were collected via google form which includes informed consent and questionnaire which contains burnout scale. Univariate and bivariate analysis through chi-square test was conducted in this study.
Results: According to univariate analysis, there was 75.4% students were experienced moderate burnout, 4.9% students were experienced high burnout, and 9.7% were experienced low burnout. Based on chi-square results (p<0.05). There was no significant relationship between burnout incidence and age (p=0.813), sex (p=0.813), and students’ generations (p=0.761).
Conclusions: Most of the students had experienced moderate burnout. Therefore, a new learning method that does not increase students’ burden during online lectures is recommended in this study and further research is required to find the potential factors that affect burnout syndrome.
Keywords: physical distancing, online lectures, burnout, medical students.
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