Antibiofilm Activity of Intracellular Extracts of Westiellopsis prolifica Isolated From Local Environment in Baghdad

Shurooq Latif Al-Tmimi


Acetone and hexane extracts of cyanobacteria Westiellopsis  prolifica was tested In vitro. Antibiofilm  activity was evaluated by biofilm production assay against six  pathogenic bacteria in which three are Gram- positive bacteria  "Staphylococcus aureus , B.subtilis, and Streptococcus sp. "  and three  are Gram- negative bacteria" Shigella sp., Proteus sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa " in additions two isolates of fungi "Aspergills niger  and Candida albicans".The results showed that crude acetone extract for W .prolifica better than hexane extract ,and  more efficient on negative gram bacteria than positive gram bacteria. The highest biofilm inhibition of acetone extract against Shigella sp. reached to (10 ) %, while lower biofilm inhibition ( 68)% against A. niger compared to hexane, with the highest biofilm inhibitory rate in C.albicans  (42 )% and lower biofilm inhibition against Proteus sp. reached to ( 98 ) concentration 100 µl. As well as  Congo red agar  method showed that acetone extract for W .prolifica better than hexane extract in the anti-biofilm formation at 50 µl, The best anti-biofilm activity of   acetone extract  against  B. subtilis , Shigella sp., Proteus sp. and C. albicans  (++ )While A. niger (+) showed slight  effectiveness .On the other hand the hexane extract showed little efficacy against biofilm for all studied isolates .

Key words: Westiellopsis prolifica, Active compounds, Antibiofilm, Partial purification, GC/MS Analysis.

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