Empagliflozin Managed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Insulin induced Hypertension: A case report

Raja A, Sadagoban GK, Jemi Rachel Shaji, Renita Castelino, Swathi Swaroopa Borra


Insulin is an essential hormone and has been the cornerstone in the therapy of Diabetes Mellitus. This case highlights insulin-induced hypertension in a type 2 DM patient, managed adequately with empagliflozin. A 60-year female with Diabetic Nephropathy & Hypothyroidism presented with elevated blood pressure after a week of insulin administration. An elevation in the patient’s blood pressure corresponding to the administration of insulin was observed. De-challenge and re-challenge of insulin with dose adjustment, resulted in sudden spike & decrease of blood pressure, thereby pointing a suspicion towards a relation between insulin and hypertension. Discontinuation of insulin and replacement with oral hypoglycemics has resulted in controlled blood pressure levels.

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