Studying on the Effects of Family-centered Care Program on the Incidence of Early Complications of Cataract Surgery Introduction and Purpose

Rahim Baghaei


Introduction Family members are one of the basic components of patient care system undergoing Cataract surgery .planned care to patient and their families increase awareness and knowledge and reduce their problems significantly. Candidate patient and their family should be educated to side effects of Cataract surgery ,advantages and disadvantages of surgical and postoperative care ,surgical procedures ,types of anesthesia ,medication and symptoms of post-operative ,duration of antibiotic use, and they have be trained clearance and follow up. Method:In this quasi-experimental study with gradual sampling,80 patients referred to the clinic of Urmia Imam Khomeini Hospital,40 patients were educated intervention and control groups. After obtaining informed consent and research goals for intervention group with family participation and according to the developed protocol, the family-centered teaching booklet was presented and the control group received routine care. Finally, the incidence of early complications in both groups were examined. the obtained information by using SPSS software and descriptive and inferential statistical tests were analyzed .Results: The results of the present study shows that amount of incident of early complications in the intervention group in comparison with control group has declined in the most sides of research, so this reduction is eye discharging in first and third week and it`s tearing in the third week. Conclusions:The result of this study will be concluded that family –centered cares includes training package to patient and their families has reduced the complications and problems of surgery. therefore, it is recommended that written educations all ophthalmology clinics and hospital wards be made available to patient and their relatives.

Keywords: Nursing care plan, Home care, Cataract surgery, Complications.

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