Creating Srs Document with Combination of Scenario_Based Teqniques and web_Based Teqniques

Azita Soltanian Bojnord


Requirements and user interface specifications are often elicited and specified separately, in most cases.
The errors in requirements gathering and software specification phases lead to project failure and costly
mistakes during software development. Likewise a bad user interface lessens the quality of software.
WEBSTEUIR is a support tool to help the developers and users in user interface requirement elicitation
and specification. The approach used in WEBSTEUIR is to elicit user interface requirements from UML
interaction diagrams in order to generate SRS which include user interface requirements and have to be
well understood and well presented to the developers and end-users and also provide easy way to extract
main functionalities, features, and user interface of the software. Description of our approach to software
user interface requirements specification and an overview of WEBSTEUIR's design concepts are presented
in the paper, together with examples of the tool's use, a comparison with related work and pointers to

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